When it comes to cutting keys, having the right equipment can make all the difference. Here are the essentials you’ll need:

1. Key Machines – Key machines are the foundation of any key cutting process. They come in manual and automatic versions. A manual machine requires the technician to do the cutting manually, while the automatic machine follows a pre-programmed process.

2. Key Blanks – A key blank is a blank key that can be cut to create a new key. Some common types of key blanks include house keys, car keys, and padlock keys.

3. Key Copying Machine – A key copying machine is used to create a copy of an existing key. The machine uses the original key as a template to create a new key.

4. Key Cutters – A key cutter is a tool that is used to cut a key. There are different types of key cutters, including manual cutters and automatic cutters.

5. Key Gauges – A key gauge is a device used to measure the depth and width of a key’s cuts. This is important when cutting a key to ensure that the cuts are accurate and precise.

6. Key Calipers – Key callipers are used to measure the key’s width and thickness. This can ensure that the key is cut to the correct size.

7. Key Extractors – Key extractors are used to remove broken keys from locks. It is a handy tool to have in case a key gets stuck in a lock.

8. Key Tumblers – Key tumblers are small pins that move in the lock when a key is inserted. They control the lock’s mechanism and need to be replaced correctly when cutting a new key.

9. Key Files – Key files are used to smooth the cuts made in the key. This is important to ensure that the key can turn smoothly in the lock.

10. Key Chains – Key chains are used to keep all your keys organised and prevent them from getting lost.

When you have all the right equipment, cutting keys can be a quick and easy process. However, it is important to remember that not all keys are the same, and some may require specialised equipment. As a general rule, always check your equipment before cutting a key to ensure that it is suitable for the type of key you are working with.

In conclusion, key cutting can be a fun and satisfying skill to learn, but it requires the right tools. Having the right equipment can make the process quick, easy and accurate. When you have the right equipment, you can create duplicate keys, replace lost keys, and even create custom-made keys. With practice, you’ll soon become a master key-cutter and will be able to provide your services to others!